Today was officially the end of the system and Windows XP

end of windows xp

Today officially ends the story of one of the most important and most operating systems prevalent in the world, it's Windows XP Microsoft's, and today was the last security update provided by the company for this system on the sidelines (patch Tuesday) famous and is something which will force users need to go to back the latest of windows.

Windows XP, which aroused the interest of many people to turn to the first operating system with broad categories of users because of its ease of use was launched in the beginning on October 25 of the year 2001 , the date is April 8, 2014 is the date of the end of security support and thus the end of this system after nearly 13 years of presence , it is true that an end security updates particularly affect general users , but the category of private companies or government institutions will continue to benefit from this security support for the entire year , but financial compensation is very important , where we published a few days before the news that the government British paid for the Microsoft Corporation amounted to $ 5.5 million pounds compared with the company to continue to provide updates to the government and the private security system, Windows XP .
end of windows xp

For its part, established Microsoft yesterday held a press conference announcing the bypass company stage for Windows XP and that it will focus on newer systems, and are talking here about Windows 8.1 and Windows Phone 8.1, it is also alerted to the seriousness of the continuing users the introduction of Windows XP, ignoring the lack of support security because it will make them easy prey for hackers attacks and penetrations.

So the uses of Windows XP are invited to move to the newer versions of Windows, because this day is the last day in the history of the presence of such system.

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